After Dark

This was for a school project a few weeks back. Shot on my Mamiya 645e with Portra 400 film, at F16 and an exposure time (on average) of 30 seconds.

This is my first attempt at this kind of thing. Just wish I was Will Govus or Patrick Joust.






ishooteditnblog said...

Loved your series of shots! All of them are so well taken!

luke pownall said...

hey, thanks for the kind words! I really appreciate it.

pixelogist said...

i love the colors u got here. film is pretty awesome, isnt it? the color of the sky and some other parts made me wonder if this was cross-processed slide film.. but u said its portra, right? good stuff! :)

luke pownall said...

Thankyou! Yeah film is great, you just get one emulsion and stick with it. I actually shot a couple of these digitally first in order to get the exposure right, and the colours weren't too different, just less saturated. I will definitely try it with slide film next and see what happens!